Paving the Way for Women in STEAM

Throughout history, within the male-dominated realm of technology, women have been quietly shaping the field. Despite facing significant challenges, these remarkable women in STEAM have left an indelible mark on the tech industry. Here are some key figures who defied norms, broke barriers, and paved the way for future generations:

Ada Lovelace (1815-1852): Widely regarded as the first computer programmer, Lovelace collaborated with Charles Babbage on the design of the Analytical Engine. Her published algorithm remains a groundbreaking achievement.

Annie Easley (1933-2011): A NASA computer scientist, Easley contributed to space travel advancements and championed civil rights by helping African Americans register to vote.

Radia Perlman (1951-Now):  Known as the “Mother of the Internet,” Perlman’s work in network protocols and spanning tree algorithms revolutionized computer networking.

Margaret E. Knight (1838-1914): An inventor and engineer, Knight received a patent for her machine that folded and glued paper bags—a crucial innovation in packaging.

These women not only shattered glass ceilings but also demonstrated that tech is their rightful place. Let’s celebrate their legacy and continue advocating for gender equality in the ever-evolving tech industry. 

Now, with our own women in Tech, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM), there is no reason to hold back talent and potential. This is not just a space where women belong; it is a space to build which continues to evolve.

I have asked a few of my brilliant female colleagues in the Tech Industry to share with us their journeys.

The Significance of Women’s Involvement in Tech: Your Perspective?

Sandra Molina

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration & Management

Senior Consultora

In the technology sector, there is a greater representation of men, However, we are increasingly equalizing this sector with the participation of more women in STEAM.

Balance is important in this area since we are discussing a sector that will gain more and more weight in the future

Reflecting on Tech: Changes Since Your Entry?

Sandra Las

Industrial Engineering & MBA


It is a sector with a wide range of opportunities for development and professional growth due to the variety of available solutions.

Consequently, it offers the possibility of continuous learning, as the technology sector is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the market.

Anna Gomarteli

Global & Quantitative Economics / Applied Math

Junior Consultant

Since I entered the tech field, there has been a significant shift towards cloud computing, AI, and data-driven decision-making. Additionally, the industry has become more inclusive and collaborative.

The structure and hierarchy of companies became linear, and formalities faded into the background, opening new horizons and opportunities for women.

Insights for New Entrants: Advice to Your Younger Self?

Gema Arenas

Bachelor’s Degree in Economics

Senior Consultant

To those starting in the tech sector, I would say to always be willing to learn and adapt. Technology changes rapidly, so it is essential to stay updated with new trends and developments. Do not be afraid to take on challenges and step out of your comfort zone; that is where you learn and grow the most.

To my younger self, I would say to trust in your abilities and your capacity to make a significant contribution. Confidence and perseverance are key to overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities in this dynamic field.

Supporting Women in STEAM: Is More Action Needed?

Ainara Echeverria

Bachelor’s Degree in Economics

Senior Consultant

To achieve true equality and fully harness the available talent, it is necessary to continue striving to remove barriers and create an environment that supports and encourages the participation of women in technology.

Promoting education in fields related to STEAM among young women and offering them role models can inspire them to pursue careers in technology and help build a more diverse and equitable foundation for the future of the sector.

Tech Journey Genesis: What Ignited Your Passion?

In this, we all agree: if solving problems, creating tailored solutions, transforming processes, improving efficiencies, making agile and competitive decisions, or reducing time and effort in current work environments are some of your professional concerns or goals, it is clear that your professional passion is focused on the tech world. It is never too late to learn or develop, because it is a dynamic sector that requires continuous training and offers opportunities for professional growth.

Navigating Challenges: Balancing Gender and Profession?

We are experiencing a positive evolution towards better management of work-life balance, personal equilibrium, cultural changes within companies, flexible and quality work environments, and the opportunity to face professional challenges that lead us to success. This is because talent, effort, and knowledge are valued, making us capable of tackling any challenge, as technology does not understand genders.

Tactic is effectively working to reduce barriers and create pathways for women to enter and thrive in the tech industry, putting every effort to collectively help close the gender gap. 

Overall, Tactic’s multi-faceted approach addresses both the entry barriers and the systemic challenges that women face in the tech industry, thereby contributing to a more gender-balanced and diverse tech workforce.

Let us keep moving forward as we explore the rich legacy and rightful place of women in technology and STEAM.

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